Recommendation (FMSB/1/2025): guidance on applying the countercyclical capital buffer

44th meeting, February 26, 2025

The latest recommendation of Austria’s Financial Market Stability Board (FMSB) to the Financial Market Authority (FMA), in line with Article 23a para. 1 Austrian Banking Act, is to leave the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) unchanged at a rate of 0% of risk-weighted assets.

The gap between the credit-to-GDP ratio and its trend, i.e. the credit-to-GDP gap, stagnated at –14.3 percentage points in the third quarter of 2024. This indicator therefore remains below the critical threshold of 2 percentage points.

In its analysis, the FMSB also takes into account other indicators because there may be risks from the credit cycle even if the credit-to-GDP gap is negative.

In the third quarter of 2024, the average risk weights of corporate loans, which include a high share of commercial real estate loans, remained at a historically low level. Risk weights are now rising somewhat, driven by increased defaults, and the number of insolvencies remains above pre-pandemic levels. The large number of insolvencies is increasingly having a negative impact on credit quality. What is more, the corporate sector’s debt ratio is close to historical highs. The OeNB fundamentals indicator for residential property prices and the price-to-rent ratio have continued to decrease and are no longer at critical levels.

Capital levels that are adequate by European standards and prudent risk provisioning are conducive to counteracting the potential materialization of cyclical risks.

At its 45th meeting, the FMSB will discuss the introduction of a new methodology to identify cyclical risks. This new approach is intended to equally take into account banks, households and businesses, macroeconomic developments, financial markets and the credit-to-GDP gap with regard to the development of cyclical risks. The new indicators resulting from applying this new methodology are both analytically justified and derived from the prevailing literature.