Risk warnings and recommendations
Overview of current applicable recommendations
Borrower-based measures
Recommendation (FMSB/2/2024) for facilitating the management of the regulation for sustainable lending standards for residential real estate financing (KIM-V)
Recommendation (FMSB/1/2023) on the KIM-V
Recommendation (FMSB/2/2022) on applying measures to contain systemic risks from residential real estate funding
Advice on the establishment of a legal basis for additional macroprudential instruments (FMSG/2/2016)
Countercyclical capital buffer
Recommendation FMSB/1/2025: guidance on applying the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB)
Systemically important institution buffer and systemic risk buffer
Sectoral systemic risk buffer
Recommendation FMSB/6/2024: guidance on applying the sectoral systemic risk buffer